Ever give in to bread, sweets, pizza, chips... and then wonder "what is wrong with me...!"?

If you're concerned that you may be broken in some way, you should read this: Your body and mind are perfectly normal!

The issue began elsewhere.

Like most of us, you were led to believe that you can deprive your body of the energy it requires to thrive; and that you can do it by your willpower alone, and without it turning on you in the end.

Whichever 'latest' or 'best' diets on the market we choose to adopt, they amount to nothing when our body decides to crumble their promises and remind us that they are all out of reach. The failure was imminent. And it was never intended to be personal.

I explain what I mean:

Your brain has a self-preserving job it is geared to fulfil, with the overarching goal of keeping this body alive. So, if something has the potential to lead to your extinction, your body's go-to response is to use whatever arsenal it has to stop that something in its tracks, or at least delay its progression.

If it's an illness, there